Favorite February Finds

I am so happy that it's March! This has been the wettest February and I'm so ready for spring (that's not to say it won't snow in April - you gotta love Utah)! Here are some of my faves!

Favorite TV Show of the Month:
- The Office
I have finally started to watch The Office. Yes, I'm insane for not having ever seen it, but every time I tried watching it before, I just thought it wasn't funny (what was wrong with me). After a countless amount of people gasping every time I told them I've never seen it and feeling very left out, I finally sat down one night and decided that I am going to force myself to watch it. I now want to personally scold all my friends who never physically forced me to watch it because I'm having a hard time remembering what my life was like before it (dramatic but true). This is one of the greatest TV shows of all time and I can't get enough. I am now going to be that person that gasps if you've never seen it.
I would like to say however, everyone always said how insanely hilarious it was, but no one told me how emotional it was. Like, what?!?!?  Maybe it's just me, but I've never cried so much watching a show... ever. It makes me WEEP.
Thanks Halpert.

Favorite Movie of the Month:
- How to Train Your Dragon 3
These series of movies have always been my favorite. I'd put them on my top 5 favorite Disney movies list FOR SURE. The soundtrack is one of the best, and this last one definitely made me cry (they all did though). So good!!

Favorite Song of the Month:
- The King of Wishful Thinking // Go West
Throwing it back to 1992! This wasn't my top track of the month, but I listened to this song on repeat for the majority of the month. It's so dang good. An oldie, but a goodie.

Favorite Activity of the Month:
- Watching the Office
That's all I do now.

Favorite Quote of the Month:
"Don't adapt to the energy in the room. Influence the energy in the room."

A Few Other Favorites:
- I am so so excited for this movie to come out. It looks amazing.
This video had me in TEARS I was laughing so hard. ("There's not enough pudding on this planet" 😂)
- The Jonas Brothers are back and my childhood self is screaming.


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