First Week of College

I did it. I survived my first week of college. Being the person I am, I honestly thought I would have been absolutely terrified to walk into school alone and that I would cry every night because I missed home. But I wasn't, and I didn't.

I moved into my apartment the day before classes started. That was probably my favorite part. I got to design my dorm room to my taste, and lucky enough for me, I don't have an actual roommate, so I have the room to myself.

My house mates are Stefanie, Kennedy and Tanisha, but Tanisha is getting a roommate soon, so there will be one more of us! They are all great. Stefanie works every day and goes to school, then usually spends the rest of her time with her boyfriend, so I don't see her a lot, but when I do she is super nice! She goes to bed around 9:00 every night...I wish I could do that. She shares a room with Kennedy. Kennedy is super outgoing and really nice. She works and goes to school, but we usually see each other for a while in the evenings/nights. Tanisha is also super nice, and also very busy. I see her about twice a day. She's a little quieter, but she's so fun. 

I've spent the last couple nights hanging out and talking with Tanisha and Kennedy. As the week went on I started feeling a little more comfortable and I'm trying to spend time with them because it is hard moving in with complete strangers and sharing an apartment with them. I've just learned to give things time. I was nervous and uncomfortable at first because I didn't think I'd ever get to know them really well given how different all of our schedules are, but each day it's getting better and better. I'm grateful that I'm not completely alone and that we're actually spending time with one another.

Classes are great! I'm only taking 7 credits because I wanted to ease into it (since I haven't been to school in a year). On Mondays and Wednesdays I have a Film Production Analysis class. It's a larger class, and all we do is watch movies and talk about them. This week we watched Shaun of the Dead and we have to watch the movies twice; The first time, as a consumer (like going to the movies) and the second time we dissect it and figure out why they did certain things to make the movie good.

I don't recommend Shaun of the Dead...

My second class is on Tuesdays and Thursdays and it's a Digital Media class where we learn about graphic design, video and photo editing, and a butt ton of software (photoshop, illustrator, in-design, etc). I love this class because it's a lot smaller, we're on computers learning awesome stuff that comes super easy to me, and I sit by some pretty awesome people!

The only thing that I don't like is that I'm losing focus on my dreams in life right now. I'm too caught up in getting to school on time and planning breakfast, lunch, dinner, and walking all over campus and doing homework.
I'm a big dreamer, and the past year I've had a lot of time to figure out what I really want to do and what I'm super passionate about. It's all I thought about and right now I can't get my mind set out of thinking that there's more to life than just school. WHICH IS NOT LIKE ME AT ALL. Maybe it's just because I'm somewhere new doing something I've never done before and so all my focus is on that, and maybe I'll relax and realize that I can still do anything I want to do with my life and that it's my decision, but I feel a little tied down at the moment... therefore, it's time to book a cruise 🤪.

This week has been great! I still get lost while driving and constantly turn down the wrong hallways, but I'm getting there! I know this is all good for me and it's definitely teaching me to be independent.

Here's to another great week! 

love zoe 


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