Best Memories of 2018!

Wow. I can't believe 2018 is over. Am I the only one that felt like every month only lasted like two weeks? Why is that? 
As soon as 2017 ended I told myself that 2018 was going to be my year (I tell myself this every new year tbh) but like always, it really wasn't haha. This year has definitely been one of the toughest years for me just because I'm 20 and I'm at that time of life where I have to figure out what I want to do. Luckily I've always known what I want to do with my life, it's just a matter of figuring how to do it. I'm grateful for 2018 because I really learned a lot about myself and I've become more comfortable with myself. It's crazy what time and growing up teaches you about yourself and I know that I will still keep learning more and more every day. 
Here are just a few small things I've come to learn this past year:
- I actually like working out. (Never thought that'd happen.)
- Going to the movies alone is the best thing ever.
- Don't waste your time listening to music you don't like.
- Being consistent is key in everything! 
- Things you never thought could change CAN change. 
- Chick-Fil-A sauce is the best sauce in the entire world and if you disagree you're wrong. 

I put together some of my favorite moments I've had this year so that some day I can look back on 2018 and remember all of the things I did and loved!

1. In January I moved out and attended my first semester of college. This experience was great and I met a lot of cool people - and my roommates were the best. I really enjoyed living on my own and being responsible for parts of my life that I didn't need to worry about growing up (like my apartment). I've always known what I wanted to do with my life and the career field that I want to go into and this experience really confirmed that. I also learned that I won't ever be living in Utah County again haha. Not my scene. (UVU is a great school though)

 5. In May, my aunt and I went to Peru because my cousin Amelia was living down there for a little bit and we thought it would be a good idea to make a trip out of it. It was one of the funnest trips because the country was so different from any other place I've been and we met some truly amazing people. We spent our time in Lima and Cusco. Lima is such a huge city and at first I was kind of skeptical about it because it was so different and I didn't speak a lick of Spanish but I quickly got past that. Our time in Cusco was spent touring around lots of different sites and ruins which was a blast. Both of the cities were incredible, the culture was incredible, Machu Picchu was incredible, and the food was to die for. Best food I've ever had. 

6. Okay, this was probably the best summer of my life. June was such a chaotic month but it was also one of the funnest times I've ever had! I constantly had my favorite people around me as we threw and attended so many summer festivities. There was one thing after the other and it was just so jam packed (which I loved) with parties and deadlines that we spent so much time together. After 2 weddings, many showers, and lots of other special days, we took a trip to California to continue the festivities. I will always cherish the time I had that summer, and I would just like to say that I lucked out on having the world's best cousins. 

7. In July we took another trip to California to go to Disneyland because Amelia had never been there and she had just turned 19! It was a really fun trip because I got to show Amelia all the places that I love and I love sharing my favorite things with other people.  I'm constantly wanting to go back to this place! 
July is my favorite month because it is filled with so many traditions, family time, and my favorite holiday. I couldn't have asked for a better summer.  
I will say the only thing that completely sucked was Ben leaving on his mission. He's one of my best friends so it was hard to see him go but he's an incredible missionary!

8. This fall consisted of a whole lot of football, a whole lot of reading, and a whole lot of running. I'm proud of Josh for finishing out his football at East High as the quarterback (his surgery went well and his recovery has been really successful - he's killing it) and proud of Izaak for stepping in and crushing it. I'm excited to see him as the next quarterback!

9. The holidays were really relaxed this year. I had the flu the first week in December and wasn't feeling 100% for about two weeks, which put a damper on my Christmas spirit. Unfortunatly, I just wasn't feeling it this year, but I decided to keep it relaxed and just enjoy all the family parties at a slower pace then usual. And I feel like everyone around me was feeling the same way. We've had 5 family get-togethers in the past week (which is normal for my family) and I've had such a good time with everyone while getting ready for the New Year!

It's been such a fun, learning, crazy year and I'm so excited for 2019 and all that comes with it! Now that I've celebrated my butt off, I'm going relax and get the new year started!! Cheers!!


Song(s) of the year: 
Scenes from an Italian Restaurant // Billy Joel
Drama // AJR
Every Single Night // Computer Games

Movie of the year: 
Bohemian Rhapsody (seriously one of the the greatest movie ever - in my opinion)

Book of the year:
Edenbrooke // Julianne Donaldson

TV show(s) of the year: 
Cheers and GLEE 


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