This is my first WEEKLY FAVES. I thought I would start sharing some of my favorite things I've found over a few weeks because there are so many things I get excited about, and if I love them then I'm sure there are other people who will too.

(the links are in GRAY)

This Olympic Free Dance Routine is INSANE. GO CANADA lol. Their dance LITERALLY brought tears to my eyes... you'll see why. (and the choice in music was incredible) SO SO good.

I'm planning a trip to California with my friends and I'm gonna grab this jumpsuit. SO cute!

This shirt is so simple and adorable. (and cheap)

I bought this new drone... it's incredible. I'm really nerdy when it comes to stuff like this.. but I'm having fun with it!

I've been getting my nails done HERE because I've always had really bad experiences at other places.. and this place is so AMAZING. Never choosing anyone else!

I'm a huge music person. I love finding new songs and jamming out in the car. I'm always told my music sucks.. but idk what those people were thinking..*cough* mom. I've found a lot of new music but THIS SONG and THIS SONG are probably my 2 favorites right now..

I started a Dessert Instagram because I LOVE desserts and take them very seriously.. and I thought it would be fun to share! So Follow me!

I just finished THIS IS US and holyyyyyy crap! I love it so much and I don't think I've cried that much during a TV show ever. If you haven't watched it yet.. DO!

That's all for now!

Love ZoĆ« ♡


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