Today I'm sharing some photos from Thanksgiving this year. This is one of my favorite holidays because I get to spend the whole day with my cousins and all of my family whom I love very much, doing my favorite thing.. eating.
We all got together at my cousin's house and had our Thanksgiving lunch/dinner. The food was amazing as always. We've had this tradition ever since I can remember (we have footage of me as a baby walking around while everyone sat and ate and talked years ago!)
As a result of way too much food, all of my cousins and I sit on the couch after eating, and since there is only ever one couch, we just pile on. We do this every year. I'm not sure if it's that good of an idea because we're all so full, and having 2-3 heavy guys sit right on your stomach.. is dangerous haha!
Love these people!!
While we were taking photos outside, someone.. (may or may not have been me...) had the brilliant (not so brilliant) idea of attempting a human pyramid. We had 15 people so we knew it would be hard.. but it was impossible. We tried so hard! Just look at those boys' faces!
We tried so many times to make it work, but let me tell you.. we were all sweating by the end of this. We successfully had 12 people stacked on each other, but that's all we could do without seriously injuring a few of us.
I think on our 20th attempt, Grey was done. Those boys went through a lot of pain. I feel bad for them haha!
After many attempts, a lot of collapsing, and a lot of red faces, we resulted in lazier, more comfortable pyramid haha..
One year we will get it!!
We spent the rest of the day going to see Justice League (my 3rd time seeing it) and eating pumpkin pie and just talking the night away. It was so much fun! I love this tradition of ours and I look forward to it every year!
I'm seriously so grateful for this family of mine, and I often think I am the luckiest girl because of the family I was born into and all the people in my life. I would rather spend time with them then do anything else on the planet! I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving filled with loved ones, and a lot of food! Until next year!
I can't wait for all the Holiday fun to begin! Bring on the Christmas Spirit and the snow!! (hopefully.. please snow soon slc)
Love, Zoe ♡
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